Daniel Molina
Co-founder and Business Development Manager
Daniel is founding partner of Innoland and develops business and customer management functions in the company. He obtained the Technical Telecommunications Engineering degree from the University of Alcalá de Henares and has over 14 years of experience in technology companies like SGI-GMV, Germinus XXI, Gesfor-Logica Group, where he worked as R&D Manager in charge of 15 people team. He has managed and participated in several national and European R&D projects in different fields as Mobile Technologies, Digital Content and Semantic Web, among others. Daniel performs European projects management assignments as the recent EuroSentiment FP7 project, aiming at creating a pool of linguistic resources for sentiment analysis in 6 European languages. Daniel has extensive experience in open innovation practices, strategic planning of R&D and gamification techniques for team motivation.
E-mail: daniel[punto]molina[arroba]innoland[punto]eu
LinkedIn: es.linkedin.com/in/dmolina
Skype: daniel[punto]molina
Carlos Ceacero
Partner and CFO
Carlos is partner and CFO of Innoland. He obtained the Telecommunications Engineer degree from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and has accumulated 8 years of experience in the field of R&D. Carlos is a man of numbers and his work focuses on identifying opportunities for direct and indirect funding for research activities of our customers, as well as the monitoring and control of all administrative, legal and economic issues related to any national or European R&D project. Carlos has worked as Administrative Manager in several FP7 projects during the last years. He advises and offers support to our clients throughout their projects value chain, from incubation process of the project idea to the identification of funding opportunities, consortium agreements, proposal elaboration, application forms submission, administrative and economic management of the project, tax issues and exploitation of project results, either through direct exploitation or technology transfer.
E-mail: carlos[punto]ceacero[arroba]innoland[punto]eu
LinkedIn: es.linkedin.com/pub/carlos-ceacero/a/a52/173/
Skype: carlosceaceromolina
In addition, Innoland has other valued members as part of its team:
- R&D Consultants, with experience in advising you on the best definition of your strategic R&D plan and identifying the best opportunities for direct and indirect funding for your research activity.
- Project Managers for the ICT sector, with experience in performing the project management tasks and the scientific and technical coordination of individual and collaborative projects.
- Auditor of Accounts (registered in the Spanish ROAC) with experience in reviewing R&D project expenditures and with authority to sign audit reports and certificates on financial statements required by the national and European funding bodies.